Air Pollution Control Equipments

Gulmohar Fil-tech Pvt. Ltd. manufactures high efficiency cyclones which can give upto 96% particulate collection for all particles above 10 micron in size. The cyclones are designed and engineered at our own facility at Indore and manufactured in our modern workshop.

We also design and manufacture high efficiency Multi-cyclones which can give up to 98% particulate collection for all particles above 10 micron in size. This equipment is completely designed and engineered at our design office at Indore and manufactured in our workshop with all the required quality checks.

Shaker (Manual/ Motorized) Bagfilters
For very light dust load and small gas volumes, we recommend Shaker type Bagfilters. These are compact units and can easily be installed for applications like small foundries, shake outs, drilling, grinding, mixing and other operations where the gas volumes are small and dust loads are less than 10 gm /m3. Customers stand to benefit from such low cost and highly effective smart solutions from Gulmohar Fil-tech Pvt. Ltd.

Cartridge Filters
Cartridge Filters, are most suited where high filtration volumes have to be handled in space constraints in the plant layout. They perform with consistency, give excellent results and are economical in terms of overall cost of installation. However, they are most suited for applications with dry dust and less moisture in the gas and/or dust. Cartridge filters are Gulmohar Fil-tech Pvt. Ltd.’s popular products especially for Stock House and Cast House de-dusting in steel mills as well as other applications like duct venting. Our Cartridge Filters filter gases up to a temperature of 260 deg C, are robust, easy to install, maintain and service.
We also manufacture Cartridges used in such Filters, which sets us apart from other manufacturers. This way Customers never face dearth of spares support. It makes the final product not just cost effective bit also completely assured for superiority and fitment. The quality of media used is world class to achieve emissions as low as 5 mg/Nm3 for recommended applications.

Pulse Jet Bag House
We offer Pulse Jet Bag Filters (PJBFs-small) as well as Bag Houses (PJBHs- large, even off-line cleaning designs) with the latest features and design to suit your site and application-specific requirements. These are engineered to operate at air to cloth ratios (ACR) carefully calculated and chosen based on extensive experience of our design engineers who have delivered and commissioned more than 1000 PJBHs successfully! With working installation in all conceivable applications and a large pool of information an experience to refer, Customers can rest be assured about the best possible design for their need for a PJBH.
The two critical parts- the Filter bags & Cages are factory-made in-house. This which ensures absolute and strident control on the quality checks from raw material sourcing to the final product and subsequently on the performance of the filter unit we deliver. The gas volumes catered by these dust collectors vary from 3000 CMH to 2.2 million CMH with operating temperatures to 290 deg C. A PJBH fitted with e-PTFE membrane lamination can yield an emission level below 5 mg/Nm3 and an operating differential pressure (DP) of <100 mm WG.

Reverse Air Bag House
A Reverse Air Bag House (RABH) designed by Gulmohar Fil-tech Pvt. Ltd. is best suited for medium to large installations. They offer gentle filtration velocities and do not require compressed air which is a big saving for large installations. They can handle virtually any gas volume and the maximum temperature of 260 deg C continuously. Once fine-tuned, with our supervision and expertise, this equipment is a fit-and-forget kind offering assured and unfailing performance.
The RABH finds extensive applications in cement plants, submerged arc furnaces, also for CaCO3 manufacturing, and Ferro Alloys manufacturing plants. Most of the crucial parts are required in the assembly like the Thimbles, J Hook-Spring Assemblies, RABH Filter Bags, Dampers, as well as the fabricated parts like Casing, Hopper, Supporting Structure, Plenum at the inlet and outlet are all manufactured in-house. This means these parts can be available for your spares or replacement, in time before your shutdowns, on sharing the design and specifications with us.
The various projects we can manage for our Customers for Baghouses include
• Green field supplies
• Brown field projects (Revamps and upgrades for performance improvement)
• Upgrades for capacity enhancement
Electrostatic Precipitators

Dry Electrostatic Precipitators
An Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) works on the principle of charging the gas using high tension static current generated by TR set. The process involves charging of the particles by bombarding them with electrons emitted from discharge/ emitting electrodes (DEs/ EEs). The charged particles migrate to collecting electrodes/ plates (CEs) subsequently collecting in the hopper by rapping of the CEs and DEs.
Gulmohar Fil-tech Pvt. Ltd. supplies an indigenously evolved, advanced, cost effective and reliable design for ESPs that can comfortably handle a gas volume of up to 2,000,000 CMH and temperatures up to 350 deg C. The outlet emission levels achieved comply with the existing pollution control norms.
The various projects we can manage for our Customers for ESPs include
• Green field supplies
• Brown field projects (Retrofits and upgrades)
• Rebuilds
• Revamps for capacity enhancement (addition of extra fields etc.)
• Hybrid conversions (to Baghouses)

Wet ESP/ Wet Tar ESP
Gulmohar Fil-tech Pvt. Ltd. also offers Wet ESPs designed to collect sticky materials from gas streams having low dust loads of combustible materials like Tar. These are highly specialized equipments and very few manufacturers can meet the quality and performance standards that we offer for these equipments.

Gulmohar Fil-tech Pvt. Ltd. offers both dry and wet scrubber technologies as per the site and application. Ventury scrubbers, Packed Bed Scrubbers, as well as Plate scrubbers are routinely recommended to address the Customer’s requirement. We can even advise you on the most suited equipment as well as its design specifications.
Scrubbers are pollution control devices that use liquid to wash unwanted pollutants from a gas stream, or that inject a dry reagent or slurry into a dirty exhaust stream to “wash out” acid gases. Industrial scrubbers are one of the primary devices used to control gaseous emissions, especially acid gases.