We not only supply spares suitable for all OEM designs, we also have a repository of standard spare designs. However we encourage our Customers to share their drawings with us to ensure they receive the part that they require. We also execute annual rate contracts to ensure your plant gets the right price, the right spare of the right fitment, in the right quantity at the right time!
It is always better to plan for contingencies to eliminate emergencies. Reap these benefits when you procure spares from us
1. Minimized shutdown (forced/ planned) time 2. Minimized production losses 3. Cost reduction 4. Helps establish preventive measures 5. Reduced emergent purchases 6. Reduced compromise on quality, design and price
Filter Bag supporting Cages
Gulmohar Fil-tech Pvt. Ltd. has a modern state-of-the-art cage manufacturing facility with special purpose machines for making cages of world class quality. These hi-tech machines custom developed, take care of all the stages of cage making like ring forming, case assembly, top welding, bottom welding and ventury fixing, thus make it easy to control cage straightness, dimensional accuracy and free from burr and projection due to traditionally welded cages.
We make cages using 6-24 vertical wires, with ring spacings between 50 – 300 mm and diameters from 100 to 300 mm. We can offer MOC options of cages in MS, GI, SS304, SS316, SS 316L. We are also equipped to make all the components used in Cage manufacturing like top collar, Bottom Cup, Ventury and split-joints and testing facility for conducting quality tests like crush test, bend test, joint test and drop tests.
Filter bags
All fabric, sizes for all emission requirements
J Hook & Spring Assembly
All fabric, sizes for all emission requirements
RABH bags made of Woven Glass & Woven Polyester
As per your design, spun, cast – to suit your design.
Solenoid operated pulse Valves
All sizes
Solid State Sequential Timers
All specs
Spares for Electrostatic Precipitators
Collecting Electrodes
We supply Collecting electrodes of our own design as well as for those with profiles suited best for all other OEMs. We have a dedicated facility to manufacture the collecting electrodes in eastern India and can supply all profiles in the required quantities, to suit the Customer’s delivery schedules. Additionally attention is given to not just the quality of the product but also designing the packing crates that are sturdy and robust to keep the straightness of the plates intact during transit to site and further storage.
Discharge Electrodes
We manufacture pipe & spike type rigid discharge electrodes as well as it’s Multi spiked version, to suit the ESP’s configuration and need for corona generation. These electrodes are sturdy and superior in performance to all other designs as they have low corona onset and are not affected by the dust load and type of dust. Special attention is given to the packing of these electrodes during transportation to ensure that the electrodes do not bow or loose nails. The electrodes are painted with an oil coat for further protection till they are installed.
ESP Insulators
Support, shaft and shackle insulators both in Porcelain (suitable for operation up to 450 deg C) as well as high Alumina, (suitable for operation up to 850 deg C) are be supplied in required size and shape. We offer options of glazed and unglazed finish for various applications and budgets. We also extend support services for appropriate installation of these insulators with top frame balancing and fitment in place.
Gulmohar Fil-tech Pvt. Ltd works for the lifecycle of your plant. We assist you in time so ensure minimum losses due to forced unprecedented outages and loss of your productivity. For this reason, we keeps a backup inventory of the components regularly purchased by our Customers in order to deliver the goods fast and easily.
We also welcome rate contracts for routine annual supplies for spare parts.