Gulmohar Fil-tech Pvt. Ltd.

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Gulmohar Fil-tech Pvt. Ltd. came into being in 2004 with the idea of putting to use the collated experience garnered over years of work in environmental pollution control from concept to commissioning.

With so many designs of equipments and even more brands and collaborations coming and dying frequently, the end user is often mixed-up with the benefits and USPs of procuring a particular equipment or part. What is presented in glossy Catalogues and on paper seldom translates to on-field deliveries, in toto. It is observed that the Customer misses the loopholes despite stringent technical evaluations of proposals, in the office. What happens on the field is often an entirely different story!

Similarly most original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) focus on supply of new equipment, its commissioning and target completion of the performance final acceptance test. What happens to the equipment after a few years rarely concerns the OEM as the process parameters or the equipment condition may have changed. Troubleshooting and revamping the equipment and its allied systems to cope up to the required mandates of the Pollution Control Board, is a totally different and highly challenging task. This is owing to the multiple factors that have to be considered, re-engineered, delivered in time and practically executed to the last dot.

Gulmohar Fil-tech Pvt. Ltd is one such unique Company that provides technically refined and realistic solutions in all such critical areas. From design and supply to commission and even support with spares and maintenance services, Gulmohar Fil-tech Pvt. Ltd stands out with its commitment, quality, promptness and authentic approach to serving its Customers. It is no surprise that it boasts of Customer associations of over 30 years and several success stories to its credit, today.

Number of Success Stories
0 +
Customer satisfaction rate
0 /5
Repeat Order ratio
0 %

Reach Us

80, Industrial Area Extn., CAT Road, Rau, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 453331, India

Get in Touch

+91 932-978-2888
+91 999-306-8630
+91 999-302-9730
+91 999-306-6230

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